First Wave manages your account data for you. You can view a list of your accounts and their information under the "Accounts" tab.
Accounts are grouped under which cloud provider (e.g. AWS, Google, Microsoft) they use the services of. The total expenditure of all accounts under a specific cloud provider will be aggregated.
On the Accounts page, click on the pencil icon on the right to modify the display name.
Each account, once created, is given an official UID for identification by the cloud vendor.
You can also click on the name of the account on the Accounts Page. This will lead you to its individual Account Details page where you can modify the display name by clicking on the pencil icon.
Each account has an account balance, which can be topped up, and from which the monthly expenditure of the account will be deducted from.
On the individual Account Details page, you can view your account's transaction history under the Transaction tab.
The types of changes that can be made to the account balance are:
You can view your account expenditure analysis in multiple locations on the Multicloud Platform.